Standard 3

Educators understand and apply knowledge of student growth and development.

Educators are knowledgable about how children and youth develop as learners and social beings. Educators demonstrate an understanding of individual learning differences and needs. Educators recognize the importance and connection of cultural identities, ways of being and worldviews to student learning. Educators use this knowledge to inform decisions about curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Educators work to create a positive, safe and inclusive learning environment to best meet the diverse needs of students.

I want to talk about SOGI, the push back the school system is receiving, and how vital SOGI is for standard 3.

In order to create a positive, safe and inclusive learning environment that best meet the diverse needs of students, teachers need to foster acceptance of diversity in their classroom. For far too long school was a place that was dangerous to be in if you were different in any way and now we are seeing more of a push to make it an accepting place. Different cultures, orientations, and identities are being talked about in a more accepting light. BC’s school system implemented SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Identity) back in 2016 and it has done wonders when it comes to diversity acceptance in schools. Unfortunately there has recently been a lot of push back towards it.

It’s frustrating to see the amount of push back the school system is receiving in regards to something that has been so helpful in decreasing bullying. The goal of SOGI-inclusive education is for everyone to understand the diverse society we live in and the feel safe, valued, and respected. All students need to see themselves and their families reflected in lessons, language, and practices.

It seems like the people who are anti-SOGI are seeing the increase in trans children and are worried that SOGI is making children trans. There have been an increase in trans individuals coming out, not because others made them this way, but because they felt safe to do so. Including education about diversity in schools increase acceptance towards those diversities, human’s are often scared about things that don’t understand.

Common language
All parties will be well-informed of and equipped with appropriate and respectful language.

Proactive and reactive measures that include sexual orientation and gender identity will impact all students.

Self identification
Students will have the right to self-identification, which includes the name by which they wish to be addressed and the pronouns that correspond to their gender identity.

Students will have the right to the confidentiality of their sex, gender, and name.

Dress guidelines
Students may express their gender identity or gender expression through what they wear to school. A dress code should be as all-inclusive as possible, which may include removing pronouns.

Gender integrated and inclusive activities
Integrated and inclusive activities will enable students to join teams and groups that they feel correspond with their gender identity.

Educator training
All staff will be provided with knowledge and tools to develop a broad understanding of SOGI and the impact on students.

Inclusive learning
Classroom materials and activities will contain positive images and accurate information about sexual and/or gender diversity.

Individuals may choose to use washrooms and change rooms that match their gender identity, including non-gendered single-stall washrooms and change rooms.

Inclusive extra curriculars
Students will be included and accommodated for in all extra-curricular activities regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, including support to set up a Gender-Sexuality Alliance/Gay-Straight Alliance or similar club.