Standard 6

Educators demonstrate a broad knowledge base and understanding base of areas they teach.

Educators understand the curriculum and methodologies of areas they teach. Educators teach curricula from Canadian, First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and global perspectives. Educators build upon student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy and mutual respect. Educators cultivate the values, beliefs and knowledge of Canada’s democratic and inclusive society.


In the dynamic realm of education, educators are constantly exploring innovative strategies to engage students and create vibrant learning environments. One powerful tool for showcasing a broad knowledge base is music. It can have a transformative role in education and can help teach many different academic domains.

Music offers educators a versatile medium for educators when used for interdisciplinary integration. By weaving music into lessons, connections between different subjects become evident, revealing a holistic understanding of the curriculum. For example, exploring historical periods through the music of the time provides students with a multi-sensory experience, enriching their comprehension.

Music from diverse cultures serve as a vehicle for educators to build cultural awareness in their classroom. Through incorporating cultures from their student’s background it also enriches students’ understanding of each other, creating a closer community.

Research shows that music has a remarkable ability to enhance memory and retention. Educators can capitalize on this cognitive benefit by incorporating mnemonic devices set to music, transforming complex concepts into memorable tunes. This approach not only reinforces key ideas but also demonstrates the educator’s mastery of the material through creative musical applications.

Music’s unique capacity to evoke emotions allows educators to forge a deeper connection with students. By selecting music that complements lesson themes, educators tap into the emotional aspect of learning, leaving a lasting impact. This emotional engagement further underscores the educator’s nuanced understanding of the subject matter.

Incorporating music into education goes beyond aesthetics; it strategically showcases educators’ expertise and passion, resonating with students and inspiring creativity.