Standard 8

Educators contribute to the profession.

Educators honour the profession by supporting, mentoring or encouraging other educators and those preparing to enter the profession. Educators contribute their expertise in a variety of ways, including opportunities offered by schools, districts, school authorities, professional organizations, post-secondary institutions and communities. Educators contribute to a culture of collegiality.


This standard is about working with other’s in the profession to contribute to education. An example of when I was able to do this was in my second language course. We had to come up with a lesson in a second language and I chose to utilize my music expertise to showcase how valuable singing can be in learning a second language. I suggested a song that I sing with some of the young groups I work with because it a really simple song that can be adapted to include any language. We decided to sing the song in English, Dakelh, Cree, and ASL.

Below you can find a video of the song and a document with the languages I normally use